Nacre Studio Web Site
best viewed with 1024x768 px + 16bit color and Java Script on.

   |         +-- "Thank you" for your visiting.           +-- in 2001
   |         |                                            |
   |         |                                            +-- in 2000
   |         +-- "Gallery" of sample illustration works --|
   |         |                                            +-- in 1999
  Top Page --|
             |                               +-- the "flight" of birds takes you to the other...
             +-- "Storehouse" welcomes you --|
             |                               +-- "Free Post Card Pole 1 2" (PDF files)
             |                               |
             |                               |               +-- "Oki-Tegami" means a note left by Nacre Studio.
             +-- "Contat" me in English      +-- "Desktop" --|
                             in Japanese     |               +-- etc...
                                             +-- the "steppe" is vast but smaller than world.
                                             +-- the deep "bush" brings you to...
                                             +-- the "steppe" is vast but smaller than world.
                                             +-- "under ground" burys...
                                             +-- etc...